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From Chaos to Clarity:
the Origin Story of Liana Consulting

Liana Consulting was founded in 2022 by Isabella Hallwichová, a marketing and communication expert. She formed a team of internationally experienced professionals, who not only guide businesses through the marketing wilderness but help them innovate and grow roots in their respective markets as well.


Our mission is to provide unparalleled marketing and communication services that cut through the dense jungle of competition, propelling businesses to new heights.

We understand that in the world of marketing, standing out is essential. That's why we go the extra mile for our clients, harnessing our expertise to deliver exceptional results. ​

Just like the interconnected lianas in the jungle, our team provides unwavering support, crafting innovative strategies to elevate clients in the ever-evolving landscape.

At Liana Consulting, we believe that every business has the potential to roar with success. Our passion for helping businesses find their path drives us to create tailored solutions that resonate with audiences, ignite growth, and ultimately, help our clients leave lasting impressions.

Committed to Excellence? So are We!

At the heart of our agency, we cherish 5 core values that form the foundation of relationships with our clients:

Steadfast Focus

Your success is at the heart of our adventure. We immerse ourselves in your business, understand your goals, and deliver personalized solutions that exceed expectations.

Strong Collaboration

We believe in the power of teamwork. By partnering with you, we create a synergy that leads to remarkable achievements and breakthrough results.

Wild Creativity

Like the vibrant colors of the jungle, our ideas are bold and captivating. We infuse creativity into every aspect of our work, ensuring your brand stands out amidst the competition.

Rooted Integrity

Honesty and transparency guide our every step. We build trust by maintaining the highest ethical standards, treating your business withthe utmost respect.

Lush Growth

We are committed to your growth and success. With our expertise and continuous learning, we help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing and PR, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

Tropical Leaves

Meet the Explorers!

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Isabella Hallwichová

Founding Explorer

+45 60 90 22 46

  • LinkedIn

Jakub Bejček

Creative Explorer

  • LinkedIn
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